

There are 2 cells in the medical journal where you can write the necessary notes.

Treatment Summary - In the E-Health / EHIF Notes section, write the information you want to include with the medical records or print in the medical card.

If you send medical records to E-Health, the patient also sees the comments!

The comments in the Clinic Notes box are only visible to clinicians and you.

These notes are not printed by default!

If the Summary of Treatment - E-Health / EHIF's comments are in the wrong box, ie the Clinic's comments, the following should be done:

Open patient Medical chart → right click on entry date → select "Change clinic comments" → copy text

(left-click to mark the text → right-click to select "copy" from the drop-down menu) → press "OK" → right-click on the treatment pad again

→ select "edit comment" → copy text there (right-click "paste" drop-down menu) → press "OK"

You must close the Treatment Card to see the changes.


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