Extended work schedule

Extended work schedule

Video - configuring extended work schedule.

To configure the extended work schedule, open work schedule from manager settings.

From there choose one or more doctors from whom you want to configure the schedule. You can add one or more schedules for each doctor.

  1. To make a specific schedule, choose the period. It can be for a specific week or for a year.
  2. For this example, do not choose the general schedule.
  3. Choose the weekday to configure. Remember, that you can configure many different schedules for each doctor.
  4. Pick the hours to configure. Either the beginning of the day, the end of the day, the whole day or specific hours.
  5. Next pick the duration of each appointment and their type. If it doesn't matter, if it's a first-time type of appointment or a recurring one, then pick anything.
  6. Finally, save your selections.

Another option is to use the general schedule. In that case do everything as in the last example, except choose the general schedule.

In this case, all days will be the same. 

On the image below we used the general schedule for user Kaarel, using the recurring appointment (K - Korduv) type, 15-minute appointments and the period from 13.Nov - 20.Nov. 

Once configured, the schedule doesn't have to be changed anymore until the expiration of the schedule. You can renew it at any time.

To search for an available time for a patient, click on the "Search available time" button. On the new window choose the group from which you want to search the appointment times. For example, if the patient needs surgery and doesn't care, which doctor treats them, then you can use this option. If you are looking for a time from a specific doctor, then choose the doctor's name from the next menu. 

Next, choose the appointment type. If in the last step you used the same type for every appointment, then pick the same type. You can also choose many types.

You can also choose the time period, where you are looking the time from.

Finally, click "Search".

In the new window, there are all free times for the selected options.

To go to that day in the calendar, click on the chosen available time.

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