Printer settings

Printer settings

My settings → Print

Here you can place the printer selection where the document is printed.

Näiteks saate eraldi seadistada Arved/Haigekassa arved/Haigekassa koondarved/Retseptid/Saatekirjad/Töövõimetulehed/Tõendid/Raportid, koondid/Päevaplaan, kalender/Kassa order/Raviplaani väljatrükk/Visiidi teatis/Dokumendid printimise.

For example, you can separately configure your Invoices / HIF invoices / Consolidated Invoice of HIF/  Prescriptions/ Referrals / Certificates of inpacity for work / Certificates / Reports, consolidated reports / Daily Schedule, calendar / Cash record / Printout of treatment plan / Appointment note / Documents.

documents are printed on A4 or A5 paper

 invoices are sent to the default network printer, but the rest of the documents are in my own printer.

 before printing you want to see a selection of possible printers (preview not shown)

shows which printer is selected to print the document. By selecting a PDF from there, you can first save the invoice as a PDF file to your computer and then print the saved file.

 preview the documents before printing

a PDF file is made of the document that can be printed separately later.

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