Parodontic card
Parodontic card
Anemone pockets
By pressing the blue arrows you can set the bone border.
The red arrows indicate the gum border.
After recording, the following image is displayed
Shortage of space, diatom, occlusion
Vertical lines between teeth:
- gray - diasteem
- black - no diasteem
Arrows under teeth:
- gray, empty - default option
- red arrow down - there is no occlusion
- red arrow up - traumatic occlusion
Arc under the teeth:
- grey - there is no lack of space
- black - lack of space
- circle - teeth moving in the chew function
square - non-moving teeth in the chew function
0 - no mobility
1 - horizontal mobility up to 1mm
2 - horizontal mobility> 1 mm
3 - horizontal + vertical mobility
Plaque retention
empty - no suppurration
1 - suppuration
0 - no inflammation
1- light ginigivitis, does not grab the entire tooth
2 - gingivitis in the tissue around the tooth
3 - severe gingivitis