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Järelmaksulepingu põhja koostamiseks avage kõigepealt "Juhataja" moodul

Uue lepingu koostamiseks vajutage nuppu "Lisa"

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Seejärel avaneb aken, kuhu saate kopeerida juba olemasoleva põhja või lisada uue. 

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Automaatselt lisatavate andmete tag'id on loetletud allolevas nimekirjas" moodul 

To prepare Postpay contract template open the "Manager" module first

Click "Add" to create a new contract

Image Added

Then a window opens where you can copy the existing one or add a new one.

Image Added

The tags for automatically added data are listed below:

  1. [companyName] - firma nimi company name
  2. [companyLicenseNo] - firma litsentsi kood company license code
  3. [companyRegNo] - firma registri kood company registry code
  4. [companyVat] - firma KM kood company VAT code
  5. [companyAddr] - firma aadress company address
  6. [companyZip] - firma aadressi indeks company address index
  7. [companyCity] - firma aadressi linn city ​​address city
  8. [companyPhone] - firma telefon company phone
  9. [companyEmail] - firma  company email
  10. [companyBankName1] - firma esimese pangakonto panga nimi the name of the first bank account of the company
  11. [companyBankAcc1] - firma esimese pangakonto konto nr company first bank account number
  12. [companyBankIban1] - firma esimese pangakonto company first bank account iban
  13. [companyBankSwift1] - firma esimese pangakonto  company first bank account swift
  14. [contractNum] - leping  contract number
  15. [contractDate] - lepingu kuupäev contract date
  16. [patientName] - patsiendi nimi patient's name
  17. [patientSSID] - patsiendi isikukood the patient's personal identification code
  18. [patientAddress] - patsiendi aadress linnaga patient address with city
  19. [patientPhone] - patsiendi mobiil patient's mobile
  20. [patientEmail] - patsiendi  patient email
  21. [patientAddr] - patsiendi aadress küla/vallaga patient address with village / municipality
  22. [contractName] - maksja nimi payer's name
  23. [contractSSID] - maksja isikukood payer's personal identification code
  24. [contractPhone] - maksja telefon payer's phone
  25. [contractEmail] - maksja  payer email
  26. [contractAddr] - maksja aadress payer's address
  27. [signerName] - lepingu koostaja nimi the name of the contractor
  28. [doctorName] - arsti nimi the name of the doctor
  29. [contractTotal] - lepingu kogusumma total contract amount
  30. [contractTotalMinusFirst] - lepingu kogusumma miinus esimene makse total contract minus first payment
  31. [firstPay] - esimese makse summa amount of first payment
  32. [firstProcent] - esimese makse summa protsentuaalselt percentage of first payment
  33. [secondPay] - teise makse summa the amount of the second payment
  34. [contractDiscount] - lepingu soodustuscontract discount
  35. [contractDiscountTotal] - lepingu kogusumma miinus soodustustotal contract minus discount
  36. [contractDiscountText] - lepingu soodustuse tekst contract discount text
  37. [contractMonths] - lepingu pikkus kuudes contract length in months
  38. [firstBillDate] - lepingu esimese arve/osamakse kuupäeva date of the first invoice / installment of the contract
  39. [firstBillNum] - lepingu esimese arve  contract first invoice number
  40. [secondBillDate] - teise arve/osamakse kuupäev date of the second invoice / installment
  41. [secondBillNum] - teise arve  second invoice number
  42. [HKpays] - Haigekassa summathe amount of the health insurance fund
  43. [logo] - firma  company logo
  44. [graafik] - maksegraafik payment schedule
  45. [graafikNotFirst] - maksegraafik esimese reata payment schedule without first line
  46. [contractText] - lisatekst lepingule additional text to the contract
  47. [clinicBillPrefix] - kliiniku arve prefiks clinic bill prefix
