Postpay contract preparation
Postpay contract preparation
Owned by Sirli
Järelmaksulepingu põhja koostamiseks avage kõigepealt "Juhataja" moodul
To prepare Postpay contract template open the "Manager" module first
Click "Add" to create a new contract
Then a window opens where you can copy the existing one or add a new one.
The tags for automatically added data are listed below:
- [companyName] - company name
- [companyLicenseNo] - company license code
- [companyRegNo] - company registry code
- [companyVat] - company VAT code
- [companyAddr] - company address
- [companyZip] - company address index
- [companyCity] - city address city
- [companyPhone] - company phone
- [companyEmail] - company email
- [companyBankName1] - the name of the first bank account of the company
- [companyBankAcc1] - company first bank account number
- [companyBankIban1] - company first bank account iban
- [companyBankSwift1] - company first bank account swift
- [contractNum] - contract number
- [contractDate] - contract date
- [patientName] - patient's name
- [patientSSID] - the patient's personal identification code
- [patientAddress] - patient address with city
- [patientPhone] - patient's mobile
- [patientEmail] - patient email
- [patientAddr] - patient address with village / municipality
- [contractName] - payer's name
- [contractSSID] - payer's personal identification code
- [contractPhone] - payer's phone
- [contractEmail] - payer email
- [contractAddr] - payer's address
- [signerName] - the name of the contractor
- [doctorName] - the name of the doctor
- [contractTotal] - total contract amount
- [contractTotalMinusFirst] - total contract minus first payment
- [firstPay] - amount of first payment
- [firstProcent] - percentage of first payment
- [secondPay] - the amount of the second payment
- [contractDiscount] -contract discount
- [contractDiscountTotal] - total contract minus discount
- [contractDiscountText] - contract discount text
- [contractMonths] - contract length in months
- [firstBillDate] - date of the first invoice / installment of the contract
- [firstBillNum] - contract first invoice number
- [secondBillDate] - date of the second invoice / installment
- [secondBillNum] - second invoice number
- [HKpays] - the amount of the health insurance fund
- [logo] - company logo
- [graafik] - payment schedule
- [graafikNotFirst] - payment schedule without first line
- [contractText] - additional text to the contract
- [clinicBillPrefix] - clinic bill prefix
, multiple selections available,