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Vaikimisi on programmis teatud materjalide loetelu.

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Juhul kui nimekirjas on mõni materjal, mida ei kasutata, saab selle valikust ära kustutada.
Selleks et nimekirjas muudatusi teha, vajuta nuppu "Muuda".

Materjali kustutamiseks tuleb materjali väli aktiivseks teha ning vajutada nupule "Eemalda".

Pikemate ja keeruliste nimetuste puhul saab kasutada lühinime.

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Samas kohas on võimalik materjale ka lisada ning ka tellidaBy default, the program has a list of certain materials.

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If there is any material in the list that is not used, you can delete it from the selection.
To make changes to the list, click the "Edit" button.

To delete the material, the material field must be activated and press the "Remove" button.

For longer and more complex names, you can use a short name.

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You can also add and order materials at the same place.