Arved → Haigekassa
Paki koostamiseks vajuta nuppu
Edasi küsitakse paki numbrit. Sisestage number ja vajutage OK.
Paki number ei tohi korduda ühe aasta lõikes.
Pärast paki numbri kinnitamist liiguvad arved edasi kausta "Edastatud".
Järgmisena valige ülemisest menüüst
Märkige ära vajalik pakk.
"Edasta pakk" nupule vajutades koostatakse Haigekassale saatmiseks vajalikud failidInvoices → Health Insurance Fund
Press the button to create a package
You will then be asked for the parcel number. Enter the number and press OK.
The package number must not be repeated in one year
After confirming the parcel number, the invoices will move to the "Delivered" folder.
Next, select from the top menu
Mark the required pack.
Pressing the "Forward Pack" button will generate the necessary files for sending to the Health Insurance Fund:
PAIS.hdr, READ.itm, HK.arj
Failid tuleb eelnevalt salvestada arvuti kõvakettale ja selleks avaneb vastav aken.
Seejärel avatakse veebilehitsejaga Haigekassa autentimise kodulehekülg Files must be pre-stored on the hard disk of the computer and the corresponding window opens.
Then the EHIF Authentication homepage is opened with a web browser -
Peale autentimist saate proovida paki üleslaadimist Haigekassasse.
Esmalt soovitame paki laadida üles testpakina, et kontrollida, kas pakis on arveid, mida Haigekassa vastu ei võta.
Kui selliseid arveid leidub, siis:
- tühistage koostatud pakk;
- parandage vigased arved;
- koostage uus pakk;
- edastage pakk Haigekassase uuesti.
Paki tühistamiseks klõpsake real, mille soovite tühistada, ning nupul
After authentication, you can try to upload the package to the Health Insurance Fund.
First of all, we recommend that you download the package as a test pack to check if the package contains invoices that are not accepted by the Health Insurance Fund.
If there are such invoices:
- cancel the compiled package;
- correct faulty invoices;
- create a new pack;
- forward the pack to the Health Insurance Fund again.
To cancel a package, click the line you want to cancel and click