Ravimite ja materjalide tellimiseks tuleb Kliiniku seadetes ära määrata kasutajatunnus ning valida rippmenüüst vastav Kliinik.
Ravimite ja materjalide tellimise aken avaneb peamenüü nupu alt "Materjalid".
Vaikimisi on tellimuste moodul sisselülitatud ja nähtav juhataja õigustes kasutajale.
Materjalide tellimise juures on olemas sakk "Tellimuste õigused" - õigusi teistele arstidele saab muuta/anda ainult juhataja õigustega kasutaja (veel ei toimi).
Avage sakk "Tooted".
Valige soovitud tootegrupp.
Valitud tootegrupi sees on võimalik tooteid otsida nii nimetuse, tootja kui tootekoodi järgi.
Samuti on võimalik valida tellimuste perioodi järgi, kui näidatakse ainult neid tooteid, mis on tellitud valitud ajavahemikul.
Toote reale klikates avaneb paremal aknas ravimi täpsem info koos pildiga. Lisainfona kuvatakse ka link Ravimiameti kodulehel oleva pakendi infolehele.
Ravimi ostukorvi lisamiseks tuleb teha toote real parem klõps ning valida soovitud kogus.
Teie tellimus on nähtav "Ostukorvis".
Tellimuse kinnitamiseks vajutage nuppu "Kinnita tellimus".
Ravimite tellimus tuleb enne edastamist allkirjastada.
Tellimuste ajalugu on nähtav sakis "Tellimused". Kui tellimuse olek on "esitatud", saab vaadata ka tellimuste arveid (PDF).
Kaubad, mida hetkel laos pole lähevad Järeltellimuste alla.
In order to order medication and materials, the Clinic must specify the user ID and select the Clinic from the drop-down menu.
The drug and material ordering window opens under the "Materials" button in the main menu.
By default, the order module is turned on and visible to the user in the manager's permissions.
When ordering materials, there is a "Subscription Rights" tab - the rights to other doctors can only be changed / assigned by a user with manager rights (not working yet).
Open the "Products" tab.
Select the desired product group.
Within the selected product group, you can search for products by name, manufacturer, or product code.
It is also possible to select a subscription period if only products ordered during the selected time period are shown.
Clicking on the product line opens the product information with the picture in the right window. A link to the package leaflet on the website of the State Agency of Medicines is also displayed as an extension.
To add the medicine to the cart, you need to right click on the product line and select the desired quantity.
Your order is visible in "Shopping cart".
Click "Confirm the order" to confirm your order.
Medicines must be signed before delivery.
The order history is visible in the "Orders" tab. When the order status is "submitted", you can also view order invoices (PDF).
Goods that are not currently in stock are under "Follow-up orders".